سه شنبه 01 آبان 1403      02:08


آمار بازدید



?What is copyright

A copyright refers to the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner to control the work i.e. reproduce, make, publish, perform in public, broadcast etc. A copyright only protects the original expression of ideas, not the ideas themselves

?Which areas of works are eligible for copyright

A copyright protects the following list of works
 literary works including computer softwares
 musical works
 artistic works
 films, sound recording and broadcasting

?What are the qualifications for work to be protected in IRAN

Copyright protection applies to a piece of work if it is
 shows sufficient effort that has been expended to make it original
 written down, recorded and reduced to material form
This is provided that the author is a qualified person, or the work is made or is first published in IRAN

?Must I apply to the relevant authorities for copyright protection

In IRAN, copyright ownership is automatic the moment the work is reduced into writing or other material forms. There are no legal requirements for registration

?When does an infringement of copyright occur

A copyright infringement occurs when any activities under the exclusive control of the copyright owner are conducted without his consent or license, such as reproduction, transmission or distribution of the work; performing, playing or showing the work to the public